Successful Workplace Change Management:

Successful Workplace Change Management:

There are numerous good business reasons for transforming the workplace. Change can improve productivity and the bottom line as well as employee health and morale, but during the process, the unknowns involved with an office change can be unsettling, leaving employees feeling vulnerable in the process. To alleviate this, workplace change management should be executed carefully and thoughtfully.

The goal of workplace change management is to create a well-crafted program that provides information to employees regarding their new workplace, establishes worker buy-in, and assists them in getting back to work as quickly as possible to minimize disruption and productivity loss. By involving employees in the process and providing answers in advance, managers can gain user buy-in early in the project to get workers actually excited about change. This whitepaper, compiled by Kimball Office, discusses the importance of workplace change management along with basic steps to success.
